Cross-plan and Cross-payment processor revenue sharing

Hello, Question 1: I have 2 ad plans. Each distributes 100% of revenue after referral and admin c...


Wednesday, 17 February 2016



Question 1: I have 2 ad plans. Each distributes 100% of revenue after referral and admin commission to members. Will the remaining revenue of purchases of plan 1 be shared with purchasers of plan 2? In other words, what I want is for all profits, regardless of which plan was purchased to be shared among all people who have purchased any plan. Not for people who have purchased plan 1 to share with purchasers of plan 1 and purchasers of plan 2 to be shared with plan 2

Question 2: We have 2 payment processors. If a person purchases a plan with payment processor 1, will his revenue be shared with someone purchased a plan with processor 2? If so, how can I be certain to have enough funds on hand for withdrawals from each processor? For example, let's say that only one person purchased 100 dollars worth of ads with bitcoin and he is now due to be paid 150 dollars in bitcoin, but everyone else on the site purchased with another payment processor. How will be have profits to pay this person in bitcoin in this case?

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2gosoft Solutions

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

2gosoft Solutions


Question 1: I have 2 ad plans. Each distributes 100% of revenue after referral and admin commission to members. Will the remaining revenue of purchases of plan 1 be shared with purchasers of plan 2? In other words, what I want is for all profits, regardless of which plan was purchased to be shared among all people who have purchased any plan. Not for people who have purchased plan 1 to share with purchasers of plan 1 and purchasers of plan 2 to be shared with plan 2

Question 2: We have 2 payment processors. If a person purchases a plan with payment processor 1, will his revenue be shared with someone purchased a plan with processor 2? If so, how can I be certain to have enough funds on hand for withdrawals from each processor? For example, let's say that only one person purchased 100 dollars worth of ads with bitcoin and he is now due to be paid 150 dollars in bitcoin, but everyone else on the site purchased with another payment processor. How will be have profits to pay this person in bitcoin in this case?

Answer to Question 1 - The system treats each plan reserve differently and will not use money from one plan to pay adpacks in another plan. However, you have the option of transferring money from one reserve to another if you need to.

Answer to Question 2 - There is no automated control of that. The only control in the system is one that ensures that any user who buys adpacks with one processor is also paid in the same processor. That being said, its up to you to find a balance by viewing provided statistics in the admin area. You have an option of creating separate plans and restricting the plan to only a single processor or maybe using a single processor across all plans.

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Wednesday, 24 February 2016


I'm still not clear on Question 2, so I will repeat my question with a bit more precision now that I understand that revenue is not automatically shared between plans.

Let's say that person A purchases 10.00 worth of a plan X that has a 10% admin reserve and a 20% referral commision. And he does so with Solid Trust Pay. This means that 10% ($1.00) goes to admin and 20% ($2.00) goes to the sponsor of person A. This leaves $7.00 to be shared as revenue within this hour, presuming hourly revshare.

Now, person B comes along and purchases $50.00 worth of plan X that has of course the same parameters because it's the same plan. But he does so with Payza. This means that 10% ($5.00) goes to admin and 20% ($10.00) goes to the sponsor of person B. This leaves $35.00 to be shared as revenue within this hour.

Now, does this lead to $7.00 + $35.00 to be shared between person A and person B? Or is there a segregation of revenue share based on payment processor, just as there is a segregation of revenue share based on advertising plan?

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2gosoft Solutions

Thursday, 03 March 2016

2gosoft Solutions

Summarizing the answer to your question, the reserve is treated as one single reserve and there is no division of funds by processor. That being said all users are paid from the reserve regardless of which processor they purchased an adpack with.

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Topic information

Forum 2gosoft Adshare
Topic Cross-plan and Cross-payment processor revenue sharing
Started By Terrence
Views 1839
Messages 4
Since Wednesday, 17 February 2016

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